“You are what you eat.” We are aware of this saying yet we often
neglect it and eat anything we want. You won't even see the phrase
“eat healthy today” in your to-do list, even on essay writer's notes. But come to think of it, taking time to mind
your food intake not only save you a lot of money but makes you have
a beautiful skin as well. Bonus: I've also included some natural
ingredients that not need to be eaten but can give you the same
beautiful effect.
Here's how you'll fully understand my point:
Eat carrots and tomatoes
According to an essay writer and some health experts, carrots and
tomatoes can protect us against damaging free radicals because it
contains antioxidants and phytonutrients. Also, lycopene and beta
carotene which are capable of repairing your skin cells and fights
from the skin damaging sun rays.
Green salad as side dish
Including greens like broccoli and spinach as side dish of your meal
can help you have clear and radiant complexion because it contain
lots of antioxidants.
Lemon for freckles
For aging women who worry on their face freckles, rubbing lemon on
the said area is recommended. It may not remove it completely but
will surely give the affected area a brighter complexion.
Dairy for your bread, dairy for your face
When you experience skin inflammation on the face, the application of
a pea size of yogurt for less than 10 minutes every morning can
control it. The reason for this is the yogurt's pro-biotic content
which help the skin to cool and restore to its natural pH balance.
Milk bath
Due to milk's lactic acid, taking a bath using water with milk can
soften your skin. This is tested and proven by my
essay writer friend who now got a very nice fair soft skin.
Honey kissed my lips
Honey contains properties that helps on healing those chapped lips
when applied. But not only that, it is also a good cold sore remedy
because of its anti-viral content.
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